Object: | Comet C/2012 K1 |
Coordinates: | ||
Telescope: | Meade 10" f/8 ACF with the Optec Lepus 0.62X Telecompressor Lens (effective f/5) | |
Mount: | Losmandy G11 German Equatorial | |
Guide Scope: | Orion ShortTube 80 refractor | |
Guide Camera: | Orion StarShoot AutoGuider with PHD guiding software | |
Imaging Camera: | QSI 583ws |
Filters/Exposures: | Eight 90-second exposures through Astrodon Luminance filter. Processed in MaximDl and Photoshop. |
Shooting Location: | Virginia Beach, VA |
Date/Time: | 04 May 2014 |
Comments: |