My Current Equipment

Telescope 1:
Televue NP-101,  101mm f/5.4 APO refractor with ZWO EAF.  Click here to see how I attached the EAF to the NP101.
Telescope 2:
Meade LX850 (OTA), 10-inch f/8 ACF
Telescope 3:
William Optics Star71,  71mm f/4.9 APO refractor with ZWO EAF. Click here to see how I attached the EAF to the Star71.
Telescope 4:
Lunt LS100THa Hydrogen Alpha Solar Telescope (double stacked) and B1800 blocking filter diagonal
Telescope 5:
Homemade 10-inch f/6.7 Newtonian reflector
Telescope 6:
Stellarvue SV80/9D,  80mm (3.15-inch) achromatic refractor (was my guide scope, now used for general observing)
Telescope 7:

Askar ACL200 APO f/4 Telephoto Lens
Telescope 8:
Askar 130PHQ APO f/7.7 refractor
Guide Scope 1:
Orion ShortTube 80,  80mm f/5 achromatic refractor
Guide Scope 2:
ZWO 30mm, 120mm FL.
Mount 1:
Losmandy G11 German Equatorial with Gemini 2 GOTO System
Mount 2:
Losmandy G11T German Equatorial with Gemini 2 GOTO System
Mount 3:
iOptron ZEQ25GT Equatorial
Guide Camera:
ZWO ASI178MM, PHD2 guiding software
Camera 1:
QSI 583ws
Camera 2:

Camera 3:
ZWO ASI178MM (For auto guiding)
Camera 4:

ZWO ASI174MM (For solar and lunar imaging)
Camera 5:

Celestron Skyris 274M  (For solar and lunar imaging)
Camera 6:

Celestron Skyris 618M  (For planetary imaging)
Auto Focuser:

ZWO EAF (Electronic Auto Focuser)  Click here for instructions on how to configure the EAF using the setup software.

Askar 130PHQ, Losmandy G11T mount,  ZWO ASI600MM PRO Camera,
Orion ShortTube 80 (guide scope), and Minix Neo J51-C8 Max Computer.


Askar ACL200, ZWO EAF, ZWO ASI600MM PRO, and Minix Neo J51-C8 Max Computer.

Lunt LS100THa - 100mm f/7 Ha Solar Scope with the DSII module.

Lunt LS100THa - 100mm f/7 Ha Solar Scope (shown here without the DSII module).

William Optics WO-Star71 (71mm f/4.9 Imaging APO Refractor) with Orion ShortTube 80 on top for auto-guiding.

William Optics WO-Star71 (71mm f/4.9 Imaging APO Refractor) with Orion ShortTube 80 on top for auto-guiding.

Meade 10" f/8 ACF and Stellarvue 80mm guidescope mounted on the Losmandy G11.

Rear view showing the QSI 583ws camera on the 10", and the Orion Starshoot AutoGuider on the 80mm.

The Remote Focus Contraption (RFC) built by my brother, Jerry Wright.   It is custom machined to fit the new Meade f/8 ACF focuser.  It uses a Futaba S3004 servo motor, and a Shoestring FCUSB interface.

Closeup view of the RFC.

The majority of the images on this website were taken through the 4" refractor at left, a Televue NP-101.  The trailer provides a refuge from the dew, and mosquitoes.  A laptop inside the trailer controls everything.  Active USB cables connect the cameras to the laptop.  The Losmandy G11/Gemini2 mount connects to the laptop via Ethernet cable.

A close-up view of the QSI 583ws camera on the Televue NP-101.

The Stellarvue SV80/9D with a new MoonLite focuser.  The mount is a iOptron ZEQ25GT.  This telescope had been used as guide-scope, but now I use only for observing.  It has a good achromatic objective lens.

Closeup of the new MoonLite focuser.

( 2010 )
Inside the astro-imaging trailer.

( 1969 )
Homemade 10" f/6.7 Newtonian Reflector

( 2006 )06
The 10" telescope shown in the previous photo was completely rebuilt in 1978.  The optics are the only original parts.  My grandson, Casey, is seen here posing with the telescope at Tree Farm Campground in Springfield, Vermont, a few days prior to the 2006 Stallafane convention.  This 350 pound scope is rarely used now.